
How Much Money Does The Us Owe Social Security?

Social Security Trust Fund

The Federal Former-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund (collectively, the Social Security Trust Fund or Trust Funds) are trust funds that provide for payment of Social Security (Erstwhile-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance; OASDI) benefits administered by the United States Social Security Administration.[1] [two] [3]

The Social Security Assistants collects payroll taxes and uses the money nerveless to pay Erstwhile-Historic period, Survivors, and Inability Insurance benefits by way of trust funds. When the program runs a surplus, the backlog funds increment the value of the Trust Fund. Equally of 2021, the Trust Fund independent (or alternatively, was owed) $2.908 trillion [4] The Trust Fund is required by law to be invested in non-marketable securities issued and guaranteed by the "full religion and credit" of the federal government. These securities earn a market charge per unit of interest.[5]

Excess funds are used by the regime for non-Social Security purposes, creating the obligations to the Social Security Administration and thus plan recipients. However, Congress could cut these obligations past altering the constabulary. Trust Fund obligations are considered "intra-governmental" debt, a component of the "public" or "national" debt. As of June 2015, the intragovernmental debt was $5.ane trillion of the $18.2 trillion national debt.[6]

According to the Social Security Trustees, who oversee the program and study on its fiscal condition, plan costs are expected to exceed non-interest income from 2010 onward. Even so, due to interest (earned at a iii.6% rate in 2014) the program will run an overall surplus that adds to the fund through the end of 2019. Under electric current law, the securities in the Trust Fund correspond a legal obligation the government must honor when program revenues are no longer sufficient to fully fund do good payments. However, when the Trust Fund is used to cover programme deficits in a given year, the Trust Fund balance is reduced. One projection scenario estimates that, past 2034, the Trust Fund could exist exhausted. Thereafter, payroll taxes are projected to only comprehend approximately 76% of program obligations.[7]

In that location have been diverse proposals to address this shortfall, including: reducing government expenditures, such every bit by raising the retirement age; tax increases; and, borrowing.

Structure [edit]

The "Social Security Trust Fund" comprises two split up funds that concord federal regime debt obligations related to what are traditionally thought of every bit Social Security benefits. The larger of these funds is the One-time-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which holds in trust special interest-begetting federal government securities bought with surplus OASI payroll tax revenues.[8] The second, smaller fund is the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund, which holds in trust more of the special interest-begetting federal authorities securities, bought with surplus DI payroll tax revenues.[9]

The trust funds are "off-budget" and treated separately in sure ways from other federal spending, and other trust funds of the federal authorities. From the U.S. Code:


Pub.L. 101–508, title XIII, Sec. 13301(a), November. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1388-623, provided that: Notwithstanding whatsoever other provision of police force, the receipts and disbursements of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund shall not be counted as new budget authority, outlays, receipts, or deficit or surplus for purposes of - (i) the budget of the Us Government as submitted by the President, (two) the congressional budget, or

(3) the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

The trust funds run surpluses in that the amount paid in past current workers is more than the amount paid out to electric current beneficiaries. These surpluses are invested in special U.S. government securities, which are deposited into the trust funds. If the trust funds brainstorm running deficits, meaning more than in benefits are paid out than contributions paid in, the Social Security Assistants is empowered to redeem the securities and use those funds to cover the arrears.

Governance [edit]

The Board of Trustees of the Trust Funds is equanimous of 6 members:[one] [2]

  • Secretary of the Treasury (the Managing Trustee),
  • Secretarial assistant of Labor,
  • Secretary of Health and Human Services,
  • Commissioner of Social Security, and
  • ii members appointed past the President and confirmed past the Senate for a term of four years.

The Board of Trustees holds the trust funds.[10] The Managing Trustee is responsible for investing the funds,[11] which has been delegated to the Bureau of the Financial Service.[12]

History [edit]

The Social Security arrangement is primarily a pay-as-you-go arrangement, meaning that payments to current retirees come from current payments into the system. The program was initially established in 1935 in response to the Swell Depression. The first to file for Social Security was Ida Mae Fuller in 1940. Miss Fuller paid $24.75 in taxes during her three years working under the social security program, and drew an aggregate of $22,889 in benefits before passing at age 100. This represents a ratio of $925 in benefits for every dollar she paid into the program.

In 1977, President Jimmy Carter and the 95th Congress increased the FICA taxation to fund Social Security, phased in gradually into the 1980s.[13] In the early 1980s, fiscal projections of the Social Security Administration indicated near-term revenue from payroll taxes would not be sufficient to fully fund near-term benefits (thus raising the possibility of do good cuts). The federal government appointed the National Commission on Social Security Reform, headed by Alan Greenspan (who had not yet been named Chairman of the Federal Reserve), to investigate what additional changes to federal law were necessary to shore up the fiscal health of the Social Security program.[fourteen] The Greenspan Commission projected that the system would be solvent for the entirety of its 75-year forecast period with certain recommendations.[14] The changes to federal police enacted in 1983 and signed by President Reagan [1] and pursuant to the recommendations of the Greenspan Commission avant-garde the fourth dimension frame for previously scheduled payroll tax increases (though it raised slightly the payroll tax for the cocky-employed to equal the employer-employee rate), changed sure benefit calculations, and raised the retirement historic period to 67 by the yr 2027.[15] As of the end of calendar year 2010, the accumulated surplus in the Social Security Trust Fund stood at just over $2.half-dozen trillion.[16]

Social Security benefits are paid from a combination of social security payroll taxes paid by current workers and interest income earned by the Social Security Trust Fund. According to the projections of the Social Security Administration, the Trust Fund will continue to show cyberspace growth until 2022[17] considering the interest generated past its bonds and the revenue from payroll taxes exceeds the amount needed to pay benefits. After 2022, without increases in Social Security taxes or cuts in benefits, the Fund is projected to decrease each year until existence fully wearied in 2034. At this point, if legislative action is not taken, the benefits would be reduced.[18]

In an annually issued written report released in August 2021, the U.Southward. Treasury Section announced that the One-time-Age and Survivors Trust Fund was projected to exist able to pay scheduled benefits until 2033 while the Disability Insurance Trust Fund was projected to be able to pay its benefits through 2057, 1 year and 8 years earlier respectively than the previous report found.[xix] In June 2022, the Treasury Department issued an updated study for the One-time-Historic period and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds with revised projections for their ability to pay scheduled benefits to 2034 and 2097 respectively due to accelerated recovery from the COVID-19 recession.[20]

Recent activity and financial status [edit]

The Social Security Trust Fund will be depleted by 2034, based on current law projections. Payments to beneficiaries thereafter volition be limited to program tax receipts. Source: 2015 OASDI Trustees Report.

U.S. Social Security Trust Fund: Payroll taxes and revenues add to the fund, while expenses (payouts) reduce it.

The 2015 Trustees Report Printing Release (which covered 2014 statistics) stated:

  • "Income including interest to the combined OASDI Trust Funds amounted to $884 billion in 2014. ($756 billion in net contributions, $xxx billion from tax of benefits, $98 billion in interest, and less than $i billion in reimbursements from the Full general Fund of the Treasury—almost exclusively resulting from the 2012 payroll tax legislation)
  • Total expenditures from the combined OASDI Trust Funds amounted to $859 billion in 2014.
  • Non-interest income barbarous below programme costs in 2010 for the commencement time since 1983. Program costs are projected to exceed not-involvement income throughout the rest of the 75-year menses.
  • The nugget reserves of the combined OASDI Trust Funds increased past $25 billion in 2014 to a full of $2.79 trillion.
  • During 2014, an estimated 166 million people had earnings covered past Social Security and paid payroll taxes.
  • Social Security paid benefits of $848 billion in calendar year 2014. At that place were about 59 million beneficiaries at the cease of the calendar twelvemonth.
  • The cost of $half-dozen.1 billion to administer the program in 2014 was 0.7 pct of total expenditures.
  • The combined Trust Fund asset reserves earned involvement at an effective annual rate of iii.6 per centum in 2014."[21]

Some bones equations for understanding the fund residue include:

  • Fund ending balance for a given year = Fund starting balance + plan revenues + interest - program payouts
  • Program annual surplus (or deficit if negative) = programme revenues + interest - program expenses
  • Plan annual cash surplus (or deficit if negative) = program revenues - program expenses

"Program revenues" has several components, including payroll revenue enhancement contributions, taxation of benefits, and an bookkeeping entry to reflect contempo payroll tax cuts during 2011 and 2012, to make the fund "whole" as if these revenue enhancement cuts had non occurred. These all add to the program revenues.

During 2016, the initial balance equally of January 1 was $ii,780 billion. An additional $710 billion in payroll tax revenue and $87 billion in interest added to the Fund during 2016, while expenses of $776 billion were removed from the Fund, for a Dec 31, 2016 balance of $2,801 billion (i.eastward., $2,780 + $710 + $87 - $776 = $2,801).[22]

Recent attention [edit]

Under George W. Bush [edit]

On February 2, 2005, President George West. Bush-league made Social Security a prominent theme of his Land of the Matrimony Address. Ane issue was increased public attending to the nature of the Social Security Trust Fund. Unlike a typical individual alimony programme, the Social Security Trust Fund does not hold any marketable assets to secure workers' paid-in contributions. Instead, information technology holds non-negotiable U.s. Treasury bonds and U.S. securities backed "past the full faith and credit of the U.Due south. government". The trust funds have been invested primarily in not-marketable Treasury debt, outset, considering the Social Security Act prohibits "prefunding" past investment in equities or corporate bonds and, 2nd, because of a full general desire to avoid large swings in the Treasuries market that would otherwise result if Social Security invested large sums of payroll taxation receipts in marketable government bonds or redeemed these marketable government bonds to pay benefits.

The Office of Direction and Budget has described the stardom equally follows:

These [Trust Fund] balances are available to finance futurity benefit payments and other Trust Fund expenditures – but only in a bookkeeping sense.... They do not consist of real economic assets that can be drawn downwards in the hereafter to fund benefits. Instead, they are claims on the Treasury that, when redeemed, volition have to be financed past raising taxes, borrowing from the public, or reducing benefits or other expenditures. The existence of big Trust Fund balances, therefore, does not, by itself, have any impact on the Government'south ability to pay benefits.

from FY 2000 Budget, Analytical Perspectives, p. 337

Other public officials take argued that the trust funds practise have financial or moral[ clarification needed ] value, similar to the value of any other Treasury bill, note or bond. This confidence stems largely from the "total faith and credit" guarantee. "If one believes that the trust fund assets are worthless," argued former Representative Bill Archer, and then like reasoning implies that "Americans who have bought EE savings bonds should go home and burn them because they're worthless because the money has already been spent."[23] At a Senate hearing in July 2001, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan was asked whether the trust fund investments are "real" or merely an bookkeeping device. He responded, "The crucial question: Are they ultimate claims on existent resources? And the answer is yes."[24]

Like other U.Due south. government debt obligations, the regime bonds held by the trust funds are guaranteed by the "full faith and credit" of the U.S. government. To escape paying either principal or interest on the "special" bonds held past the trust funds, the government would have to default on these obligations. This cannot exist done by executive lodge or by the Social Security Administration. Congress would have to pass legislation to repudiate these particular government bonds. This activity by Congress could involve some political gamble and, because it involves the financial security of older Americans, seems unlikely.[ citation needed ]

An alternative to repudiating these bonds would exist for Congress to just cap Social Security spending at a level below that which would require the bonds to be redeemed. Again, this would be politically risky, but would not require a "default" on the bonds.

From the point of view of the Social Security trust funds, the holdings of "special" government bonds are an investment that returned 5.5% to the trust funds in 2005.[25] The trust funds cannot resell these "special" government bonds on the secondary bond market place, although the interest rate is adamant based on market involvement rates. Instead, the "specials" can be sold back to the authorities at face value, which is an advantage when interest rates are rising.

The week afterwards his State of the Union speech, Bush-league downplayed the importance of the Trust Fund:

Some in our country think that Social Security is a trust fund – in other words, there'southward a pile of money being accumulated. That's merely just not truthful. The money – payroll taxes going into the Social Security are spent. They're spent on benefits and they're spent on authorities programs. There is no trust.[26]

These comments were criticized as "lay[ing] the groundwork for defaulting on near two trillion dollars' worth of U.s. Treasury bonds".[27] [ unreliable source? ]

Even so, even right-leaning politicians accept been inconsistent with the linguistic communication they apply when referencing Social Security. For example, Bush has referred to the arrangement going "bankrupt" in 2042. That appointment arises from the anticipated depletion of the Trust Fund, so Bush's language "seem[s] to suggest that there'due south something there that goes away in 2042."[28] Specifically, in 2042 and for many decades thereafter, the Social Security system tin can continue to pay benefits, but do good payments will be constrained by the revenue base from the 12.4% FICA (Social Security payroll) taxation on wages. According to the Social Security trustees, standing payroll tax revenues at the rate of 12.4% will enable Social Security to pay almost 74% of promised benefits during the 2040s, with this ratio falling to near 70% by the cease of the forecast period in 2080.[29]

Nether Barack Obama [edit]

Social Security revenue and cost

In 2011 and 2012, the federal government temporarily extended the reduction in the employees' share of payroll taxes from 6.ii% to iv.2% of bounty.[thirty] The resulting shortfall was appropriated from the full general Government funds. This increased public debt, merely did non advance the yr of depletion of the Trust Fund.[31]

Under Joe Biden [edit]

Joe Biden's campaign platform proposed new payroll taxes for those making $400,000 or more than per yr (only afterwards taking function, his tax proposal included only Medicare tax changes).[32]

An economic perspective [edit]

Overview [edit]

The Trust Fund represents a legal obligation of the federal government to programme beneficiaries. Nether current law, when the program goes into an annual cash deficit, the government has to seek alternate funding beyond the payroll taxes defended to the program to cover the shortfall. This reduces the trust fund balance to the extent this occurs. The program deficits are expected to frazzle the fund past 2034. Thereafter, since Social Security is only authorized to pay beneficiaries what information technology collects in payroll taxes dedicated to the program, plan payouts will autumn by an estimated 21%.

Gross federal debt consists of debt held by the public and debt issued to government accounts (for instance, the Social Security trust funds). The latter type of debt does not direct bear on the economy and has no net effect on the budget.

— Congressional Budget Office[33]

The trust fund is expected to meridian in 2021 at approximately $3.0 trillion.[17] If the parts of the budget outside of Social Security are in deficit, which the Congressional Budget Office and multiple budget proficient panels presume for the foreseeable future, there are several implications:

  • Boosted debt must be issued to investors to obtain the funding necessary to pay this obligation. This will increase "debt held by the public" while simultaneously reducing the "intragovernmental debt" represented by the trust fund.
  • CBO reported in 2015 that: "Continued growth in the debt might lead investors to doubt the government'due south willingness or power to pay its obligations, which would require the government to pay much college interest rates on its borrowing."[33]
  • Other parts of the upkeep may be modified, with higher taxes and lower expenditures in other areas to fund Social Security.[34]
  • Debate regarding whether the proper debt-to-GDP ratio for evaluating U.S. credit take chances is the "debt held by the public" or "total debt" (i.e., debt held past the public plus intragovernmental debt) will be rendered moot, as the amounts will converge substantially.

On the other hand, if other parts of the upkeep are in surplus and program recipients can exist paid from the general fund, and then no additional debt need exist issued. Nonetheless, this scenario is highly unlikely.


Some commentators believe that whether the trust fund is a fact or fiction comes down to whether the trust fund contributes to national savings or not.[35] If $1 added to the fund increases national savings, or replaces borrowing from other lenders, by $1, the trust fund is existent. If $1 added to the fund does not replace other borrowing or otherwise increment national savings, the trust fund is non "real". Some economic research argues that the trust funds have led to only a small-scale to minor increase in national savings and that the majority of the trust fund has been "spent".[35] [36] [37] [38] Others propose a more significant savings result.[39]

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b
  2. ^ a b
  3. ^ 42 U.Southward.C. § 401
  4. ^ "Social Security Trust Funds (U.S. Social Security) - Public Pension, United states - SWFI". . Retrieved 2021-07-27 .
  5. ^ Social Security Administration-What are the Trust Funds?-Retrieved July 21, 2015
  6. ^ "MONTHLY STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT OF THE UNITED STATES JUNE thirty, 2015" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2015-09-24.
  7. ^ "Trustees Report Summary". . Retrieved 2021-07-27 .
  8. ^ "Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund". Social Security Assistants. Nov 9, 2007. Retrieved 2008-03-28 .
  9. ^ "Disability Insurance Trust Fund". Social Security Administration. Nov 9, 2007. Retrieved 2008-03-28 .
  10. ^ 42 U.s.a.C. § 401(c). "[...] there is hereby created a body to exist known as the Board of Trustees of the Trust Funds (hereinafter in this subchapter called the "Board of Trustees") [...] Information technology shall exist the duty of the Lath of Trustees to— (1) Hold the Trust Funds; [...]
  11. ^ 42 U.S.C. § 401(d)
  12. ^ Bureau of the Fiscal Service. "Trust Fund Management Program". Retrieved 2015-12-20 .
  13. ^ "Presidential Statements Jimmy Carter". Retrieved 2011-09-28 .
  14. ^ a b "1994-96 Informational Quango". Social Security Assistants. Retrieved 2008-03-28 .
  15. ^ SUMMARY of P.L. 98-21, (H.R. 1900) Social Security Amendments of 1983-Signed on April twenty, 1983
  16. ^ "Social Security Administration Trust Fund Data". Social Security Administration. Retrieved 2011-03-21 .
  17. ^ a b "Trustees Reports".
  18. ^ Social Security Administration-Summary of the 2012 Annual Reports-Retrieved April 2012
  19. ^ Franck, Thomas (Baronial 31, 2021). "Social Security trust funds at present projected to run out of money sooner than expected due to Covid, Treasury says". CNBC. Retrieved December 12, 2021.
  20. ^ Franck, Thomas (June 2, 2022). "Social Security fund will be able to pay benefits one twelvemonth longer than expected, Treasury says". CNBC. Retrieved June 2, 2022.
  21. ^ Social Security Lath of Trustees Annual Report-Printing Release-July 27, 2015
  22. ^ The 2017 OASDI Trustees Report-Retrieved January 25, 2018
  23. ^ McCormally, Kevin (March 1999). "The Truth is Out There". Kiplinger's Personal Finance: 98–101.
  24. ^ Berry, John M. (August 17, 2001). "Decisions on Social Security Loom". The Washington Post. p. E01.
  25. ^ pp. 4-v.
  26. ^ "President Participates in Grade-Activity Lawsuit Reform Conversation" (Press release). Office of the Press Secretarial assistant. February 9, 2005. Retrieved January 13, 2011.
  27. ^ "Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: Feb 06, 2005 - February 12, 2005 Archives". Archived from the original on 2005-02-08.
  28. ^ Froomkin, Dan (February 11, 2005). "The Amazing Disappearing Trust Fund". The Washington Mail.
  29. ^ "2006 OASDI Trustees Report". Social Security Assistants. Retrieved 2011-03-21 .
  30. ^ "Payroll Tax Cutting Temporarily Extended into 2012". IRS. 23 Dec 2011. Retrieved 29 August 2012.
  31. ^ "Revenue enhancement Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Cosmos Act of 2010, sec. 601(e)" (PDF). January 5, 2010. Retrieved December 26, 2012.
  32. ^ "What Biden'southward latest moves could signal for Social Security reform efforts". CNBC. 2021-04-30. Retrieved 2021-07-14 .
  33. ^ a b CBO. "The Budget and Economical Outlook 2015-2025" (PDF). Congressional Budget Role. Retrieved July 21, 2015.
  34. ^ Social Security Trustees-2012 Report Summary-April 2012
  35. ^ a b Nataraj, Sita; John B. Shoven (2004). "Has the Unified Budget Undermined the Federal Government Trust Funds". NBER Working Paper No. 10953. doi:10.3386/w10953.
  36. ^ Samwick, Andrew A. (2000). "Social Security Reform in the United states". CiteSeerX10.1.1.597.6747. doi:ten.2139/ssrn.233130. S2CID 59474480.
  37. ^ Feldstein, Martin South.; Jeffrey B. Liebman (2001). "Social Security". National Bureau of Economical Inquiry Working Newspaper 8451 (September).
  38. ^ Greenspan, Alan (March two, 2005). "Economic Outlook and Current Fiscal Issues". Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. Firm of Representatives.
  39. ^ Diamond, Peter A.; Peter R. Orszag (2004). Saving Social Security: A Balanced Approach . Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. ISBN978-0-8157-1838-iii.

Further reading [edit]

  • Mamta Murthi, J. Michael Orszag, and Peter R. Orszag, "The Charge Ratio on private accounts: Lessons from the UK Feel," Birkbeck College Working Newspaper 99–2. March 1999
  • Eric M. Patashnik. 2000. Putting Trust in the United states of america Budget: Federal Trust Funds and the Politics of Commitment. Cambridge Academy Press.

External links [edit]

  • Social Security: The Trust Fund Congressional Research Service
  • Social Security Trust Fund Cash Flows and Reserves Social Security Bulletin


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